+91 - 9712987360 | +91 - 7567860049
Managing Director
“You don’t have to be a genius or a visionary or even a college graduate to be successful. You just need a framework and a dream.” ~ Michael Dell
ZAC Valves & Fittings has had an illustrious past as a leader and innovator. We believe that a business is not successful if it is committed to profit only; but it is an activity which creates prosperity and well being for all those who are connected with it directly, or indirectly. Profit is a by-product of how well we are carrying out business activities.
Customers are our first commitment as we are in business because of them. As a manufacturer & supplier, it is our first priority and aim to provide our customers quality and reliable product which is best suited to their requirements. Besides this, we also ensure that our product gives our clients the best of performance and productivity that enable them to realize that the full value is received for the money paid for the product. Our relationship with customers do not just end with the sale but the actual journey starts with it.
Our motto is to use our profound knowledge of the market to ensure a fair deal to our customers by providing them with personalized services, scheduled deliveries and reliable quality products at competitive prices all times through our expertise; making it a working pleasure for our staff, promoters and our customers.
Integrity, Transparency and Ethical Behavior are the core values of our group and adherence to them have brought us prosperity.